Dietitians are increasingly at risk of being named in a malpractice lawsuit as their roles in healthcare grow. As a result, the rise in lawsuits is not shocking. Consequently, it is undeniable that RDs require liability insurance. Therefore, it is imperative that you get a malpractice policy before seeing any patients on your own in order to protect yourself.

Professional liability insurance shields you from covered claims resulting from actual or suspected mistakes or omissions, including carelessness, while performing your job. Additionally, before any insurance company will even consider credentialing you, they will require proof of liability insurance if you choose to join their network.
Generally, as an employee – you are covered by your employer’s malpractice policy. So it’s not surprising that as soon as you leave that place of employment, you are no longer covered. That is why RDs need liability insurance that is connected to their own business.
Because your employer’s coverage stops working as soon as you start seeing patients on your own in your practice. Only when you are seeing patients at your place of employment are you covered by your employer’s policy. Your practice is not subject to the employer’s policy. Liability insurance is therefore necessary for your RDs’ own practice. Warning: spoilers! It’s not that costly!
Since the very beginning of my career, I have personally used the company Proliability by MERCER for malpractice and liability insurance. The only reason I chose to go with MERCER was that the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics had recommended this particular company. And in all honesty in the 20+ years of being in business, I have never had a problem with working with them.
Over the years, my premium has only increased slightly. I think at the start of my career I paid $119 annually. I currently pay $142 per year. If you are an Academy member you actually receive a discount as well. I am not entirely sure of what the specific percentage discount is – but every dollar counts! Right?
Here is a basic summary of the factors for you to consider when seeking out a malpractice insurance policy:
- Amount of coverage you want
- Scope of services provided
- Type of coverage (in-person, virtual, or both)
- Cost
Here is a summary of my specific benefits with MERCER:
- Inclusive Insurance: Coverage available for employed or self-employed professionals.
- Extensive Coverage: Various limit options up to $2 million per claim/$5 million aggregate per policy year
- Your Own Defense: Your own attorney to protect your best interests in a lawsuit
- Lost Wage Reimbursement: Reimbursement for lost wages due to various activities, including trial attendance, that may be required of you in your defense
- Court Costs Coverage: Payment of certain expenses incurred in your defense, in addition to the limits of liability
- Licensing Issues Reimbursement: Coverage for representation in response to licensing board actions, even if a malpractice suit isn’t filed
The information above is taken directly from their website.
However, in the event you choose not to go with MERCER there are some important things to keep in mind when selecting malpractice coverage. In the event of a lawsuit, your Insurance policy should ALWAYS:
- Provide you with your own attorney
- Pay all reasonable costs incurred in the defense or investigation of a covered claim
- Pay you for lost wages
- Provide reimbursement if licensing board issues were involved
- Pay court costs and settlements in addition to the limits of liability
Therefore, one of the first steps in your practice should be to seek out competitive, comprehensive malpractice insurance. Also – make sure to keep your policy current. Pay the premiums on time every year to prevent any gaps in coverage.
As to the specific amount of coverage your practice requires this completely depends upon many things variables such as your specialty, the size of your practice, the services you intend to offer as well as where in the country you are located. I highly suggest discussing the specific needs of your practice with an insurance representative.
RDs need liability insurance – so don’t mess around with this step.
List of banks:
Proliability is a large liability insurance company powered by Mercer. This is particular company that The RD Boss uses. They pride themselves on providing the most comprehensive coverage available with competitive prices. Look for the “Nutritionist Practitioners’ Professional Liability Insurance” plan.
Proliability has received enormously positive reviews from dietitians, and offers members of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics discounted prices.
Prosight Specialty is a liability insurance company that specializes in small businesses and individuals practitioners. What is cool is that (like MERCER) they have a product specifically designed for us dietitians. They provide overage for both in-person and virtual care (telehealth). In this day in age – this type of coverage is critical.
Prosight gives providers an estimated quote within 60 seconds, enables instant access to COI, and has an online submission platform to track your subscription and claims.
Healthcare Provider Service Organization (HPSO) is the largest provider of malpractice insurance in the country. They too, have a whole section of products aimed at small businesses. The cool thing is that you can view all the products by state as well as industry directly on their website. The company provides a user friendly experience in buying and maintaining their insurance.
They offer Professional Liability Insurance, General Liability Insurance in addition to Business Owner Insurance – so they have all your bases covered.
The CM & F Group provides liability coverage for dietitians underwritten by Medical Protective. They are a small, family-owned and operated insurance company, The CM & F Group prides themselves on outstanding customer service and quick coverage within minutes. Most of their products are online and fully automated.
Insureon pledges “hassle-free business insurance” for allied health professionals. That’s us! Insureon offers a wide variety of insurance options to create specific coverage plans for their users. They offer various types of insurance including general liability insurance, property insurance, malpractice insurance, cyber liability insurance as well as general umbrella policies.
Hiscox is also a liability insurance company created to protect us small businesses. Their claim to fame is that they tailor their coverage to the risks in individual fields. This means that nutrition and wellness professionals have coverage for nutrition-specific concerns, as opposed to claims faced by healthcare professionals in general. This is pretty awesome if you ask me!
Lockton Affinity is a subsidiary of a larger insurance brokerage company, Lockton, that “makes buying surprisingly simple.” They take pride in their simple process for purchasing their liability coverage, as well as their affordable pricing. You can get an instant quote online. The offer personal, professional and health insurance policies.